Andreas Atteneder

Cross-platform C/C++ Plugins in Unity

Have you ever wanted to use a native library in Unity or write parts of your game in super portable, efficient C/C++?

Recently I stumbled over an interesting C++ library and integrated it in a Unity project. Let me show you what I did.

I'll focus more on the workflow and tools to create comprehensive multi-platform support than on the actual interface source code. There's already quite good documentation about that[1].

The target

The library in focus is Basis Universal (see this other post for more info). It consists of:

The transcoder is what I was interested in. It's also a great example, since it has a straightforward API, consist of a single file (header files not counting) and has no 3rd party dependencies.

Let's get started

In this post I'll only give code excerpts and examples. To see the complete code look at BasisUniversalUnityBuild (for building the native libraries) and BasisUniversalUnity (the matching C# interface).

Inspect the library

First, let's look how it's supposed to be used[2]. In a nutshell like this (warning: pseudo code):

#include "transcoder/basisu_transcoder.h"
// one-time initialization at startup
basist::etc1_global_selector_codebook sel_codebook(basist::g_global_selector_cb_size, basist::g_global_selector_cb);

// load the basis file content into a buffer
uint8_t * data = ...
size_t length = ...

// creating a basis_file instance
basis_file* new_basis = new basis_file(data,length);

// and now you can do things like retrieving the image size
uint32_t image_index = 0; // first image
uint32_t level_index = 0; // highest mipmap level
uint32_t width = new_basis->getImageWidth(image_index,level_index);

// and finally transcoding
new_basis->transcodeImage(destination_buffer, dst_size, image_index ,level_index , ...);


You can call native C functions from C# by using the DllImport method attribute[1:1]:

[DllImport ("PluginName")]
private static extern void some_function ();

No, I did not forget the ++. You can only call pure C functions and use pure C data types (no C++ classes) from C#. Luckily C and C++ are compatible, so we need to wrap the logic within C functions like this:

// the extern "C" block tells the compiler to use C name mangling instead of C++
extern "C" {
    void aa_basis_init()

Build via CMake

After writing all C wrapper code we need to build the libraries. In the end, I want this to work on multiple platforms:

The library needs to be built for each one of these, so it makes sense to use a build system. Since I'm familiar with it, I chose CMake.

CMake rules

All you have to do is describe to CMake what you want to build/compile and it takes care of creating projects and invoking the right compiler/linker commands. This description has a certain syntax and needs to be saved to a CMakeLists.txt file. This is how a minimal version looks like:

# define a CMake version
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

# give the project a name

# create a list of files to compile
    # this is the transcoder itself
    # this is my wrapper code

# add a library target
add_library(basisu SHARED ${BASISU_SRC_LIST})

# In order to find header files, we have to tell the compiler in which 
# folders he's got to search: include directories

In theory you can now invoke CMake and build the library. Unfortunately in order to get all platform libraries in a way they work in Unity I had fix some more things:

I won't go into all details, but I want to point out the Installing part.

Install to correct destination

Within the consuming Unity project's Assets folder, we need our libraries at certain destinations. Here's an (incomplete) overview how it should look like:

├── Android
│   └── libs
│       └── arm64-v8a
│           └──
├── WebGL
│   ├── basisu_wrapper.cpp
│   ├── basisu_transcoder.cpp
│   └── ...some more header files
├── iOS
│   └── libbasisu.a
├── x86
│   └── basisu.dll
└── x86_64
    ├── basisu.dll
    ├── basisu.bundle

In order not to have to manually copy every library file into the Unity project, I tweaked the CMake install target.

# first, add a path parameter/option where the user can provide the path
set( BASIS_UNIVERSAL_UNITY_PATH "" CACHE PATH "Path locating the BasisUniversalUnity package source. When installing, native libraries will get injected there" )

# Set the output sub-path within the package project
# In this case for standalone x64 targets

# We can check if it's correct by logging it
message(STATUS "Will install native libs to ${DEST_PLUGIN_PATH}")

# Check if the path actually exists
    message(SEND_ERROR "Invalid path!")

# Finally tell CMake to install to our path

This was a huge time saver!


WebGL is a special case when it comes to native libraries. You cannot build/provide a pre-compiled library for WebGL, but you place all C++ source files within the Assets/Plugins/WebGL folder. Unity will detect and include them when compiling the rest of the game code (which is also C++ generated from C# via IL2CPP).

All we need to do is copy the right source files over to this destination, which I also did via CMake:

# Set the right sub-folder

# Let the install target copy the listed source files
    # The two source files

    # Plus all the header files they reference

The only down-side is that this is always done as part of another platform's build (in this case redundantly every other platform), but that's not really a problem.

Configure build and generate

Now we have a final CMakeLists.txt and we are ready to generate all Xcode / Visual Studio projects or Makefiles and fire up the compilers.

The extensive documentation how this is done can be found at the BasisUniversalUnityBuild project site.

Future work


I haven't built the Linux libraries yet. Definitely will, especially since the Unity Linux Editor is coming out of preview later this year.

Continuous Integration

Although I made some small improvements, building a library for so many platforms requires a lot of small steps. It would be nice to further automate the building process, so updating the library is fast and less error prone.

This means either having multiple build workers with different platforms or doing more cross-compiling. I already cross-compiled for iOS and Android from my machine (macOS).Adding Windows and Linux as target platform would be nice for development. On the other hand I'd love to be able to cross-compile all variants from one server platform (preferably Linux). Maybe I'll look into that some day.

Unity Package

To be able to re-use the library (all native libs plus the C# interface code) amongst multiple Unity projects easily, the proper way is to create a custom Unity package. I did this in this particular case ( see BasisUniversalUnity on GitHub ) and plan to write about it in the future.

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  1. ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. ↩︎